Marx's Capital not only comprehensively reveals the operational laws of the capitalist society's economy, but also profoundly elaborates on the role and status of sci?tech within the capitalist production system. Capital contains rich scientific and technological thoughts, which demonstrate distinct theoretical characteristics such as dialectics, scientificity, practicality, people?orientation, and revolutionary spirit. These thoughts not only accurately depict the actual application of sci?tech in society at that time but also provide valuable insights for the analysis and resolution of modern "sci?tech?society" issues.
易达扬.马克思《资本论》中科技思想的理论特征探析[J].长沙理工大学学报(社会科学版),2024,(6):26-32. Yi Dayang. The Theoretical Characteristics of Sci‑Tech Thought in Marx's Capital[J]. Journal of Changsha University of Science & Technology Social Science,2024,(6):26-32.